Comment Re:Non-issue really (Score 1) 358
Did you put the insulating soundboard in the interior walls, or just on the outside? I would imagine that it would be a bit of a pain to take down the drywall just for some noise insulation.
Did you put the insulating soundboard in the interior walls, or just on the outside? I would imagine that it would be a bit of a pain to take down the drywall just for some noise insulation.
Are you sure those blast doors shutting were permanent? I explicitly remember reopening them by using the switch that had its glass broken and them opening back up. Sure, if you were on the other side of the switch you wouldn't be able to open them again, but then you would just proceed with the game from that point.
. . . and this is exactly why the vast majority of the public (especially the female half) doesn't take geek complaints about DRM seriously.
Because you don't think groping is sexual assault?
It isn't the heat waves that matter, it is when the storm fronts move in and raise the humidity. Swamps can cool better in even the hottest low humidity days than in the normal heat, high humidity days in Alb. The clouds associated with the storm fronts also block the heat in really well, meaning that if you are using a swamp cooler, it will stay hot inside throughout the night. If cheap enough, this new AC can be put in alongside the swamp coolers so that it can be used in place of them when it is just too humid for them to do their job properly. The swamp coolers can still be used on normal dry days if they are still more energy efficient than the new AC.
The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra