Comment Next? (Score 1) 860
Are they going to start taking away diesel fuel and fertilizer? The Works toilet boil cleaner and tin foil? Dry ice? I can think of a lot more "dangerous" substances being sold in stores now more so than 100 mg bottles of ammonium chloride and copper sulfate. I always figured that the chemistry sets would be pulled from the shelves one day, not because of anti-terrorism measures, but because most of today's kids are idiots. A quick view of Youtube shows that there are some kids out there that could probably kill themselves with a bottle of distilled water, more less "real" chemicals. Plus, in out ever-growing litigious society, the companies making the kits would probably be sued right into the ground. Back when I was growing up, when I f-ed up with my chemistry set, it was my fault; now, when a kid, not following directions, chemically burns himself, he gets millions in a lawsuit.