Comment Re:WM made some dumb decisions... (Score 1) 24
Amazon is good at curating all the odd bits of Chineseum that one could want but Walmart, in the Americas at least, is better when you need the basics right now. BnM locations will always beat "next day" for a large number of immediate-need everyday items. I also think Walmart's attempts at e-commerce are a pretty good attempt at curbing Amazon's dominance. I wish we had a good 3rd competitor but Sears F'd themselves when they decided back in the late 90s that they were a real estate holding company that also sold stuff.
I was in the Walmart in San Jose, Costa Rica a while ago. It's a real slice of middle-class US and you could plunk your Grandma from Joplin, MO down in the middle of it and she'd have the fixings for a 5-cup fruit salad in her cart before you could finish your coffee.