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Comment Re:Just remember when you give money to the church (Score 2, Informative) 447

Holy Trinity isn't mentioned in the Bible either... The "it's not in the Bible" argument doesn't apply to the Catholic Church since it doesn't subscribe to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Besides, if the Church simply wanted more members, why are they against non Catholics using contraception too? If they want more members, why do they not permit infertile couples from using artificial fertilization procedures? The Church teaches that sex and reproduction go hand in hand. That isn't to say that all sex that doesn't result in fertilization is sinful, but there must not be an attempt to interfere with the process of fertilization (whether using condoms, chemicals, outercourse, etc).
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Japanese Wikipedia 'editors' rapped by employer ( 1

sufijazz writes: "JAPAN'S agriculture ministry has reprimanded six bureaucrats for shirking their duties after an internal inquiry found that they had spent many work hours contributing to the Wiki-pedia website — including 260 entries about cartoon robots.
The ministry verbally reprimanded each of the six officials, and slapped a ministry-wide order to prohibit access to Wikipedia at work, while disabling access to the site from the ministry."

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