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Comment One needle won't work (Score 1) 36

In the first study, they draw blood to determine the glucose level, then jab insulin. Okay. In the second design, they want to use a single needle, so instead of drawing blood they will sample the interstitial fluid. That's what continuous glucose monitors do today; the probe stays inserted for up to ten days. On the first day it needs constant calibration (using blood draws) until it finally settles down to a good reading. There's no way that a single jab into the interstitial fluid can produce a reliable glucose level reading. And, of course, you can't use a single needle to draw actual blood and inject insulin because putting the insulin directly into the vein is really bad.

Comment Re:Torrent = Piracy (Score 1) 130

If you use BitTorrent, when it says the transfer is done, you know it's not only done but bit-perfect.

There's nothing special about BitTorrent in this regard. If you use any protocol based on TCP/IP, such as HTTP, then you get the same checksum calculations. Packets with bad checksums are discarded and retransmitted. When done, you have a bit-perfect file.

Comment Re:why bother (Score 1) 246

The RAM is soldered in so I can't expand it, for no good reason that I can think of.

Because a RAM DIMM socket is a common point of failure. I once saw an old Macbook Pro with such a socket dropped onto a concrete floor. Afterward, it would not boot. It turned out that the RAM DIMM was slightly dislodged from its socket.

DIMM sockets are acceptable for desktop machines that don't move and are not subject to shocks. Laptops require more robustness.

Comment Re:Mr Starkweather w ll be missed.. (Score 4, Informative) 44

No, inkjet printers were invented at around the same time. Before 1971, we printed on "line printers" that used chains of cold metal type to stamp ink onto paper, which was often green-and-white fanfold paper with tractor holes on the left and right edges. The big ones could print multiple lines per second. You got only one type font, the one in the chain. As a computer operator back then, I had to clear printer jams regularly.

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