Comment Re:That is always the trickey part (Score 2, Informative) 253
>Guys running through exploding shells in movies pisses me off...
>the scene in Band Of Brothers when they are in the forest during
>the Battle of the Bulge... where trees are being shredded and people
>are vapourized... that is closer to the truth
While I am not disputing what you are saying, I believe shelling can also be hugely ineffective. In Fred Bridgland's book A War for Africa he tells of how South African G5 (155 mm) shells were unable to injure or kill enemy soldiers if landing more than 3m from the target. Bridgland attributes this to the thick sand in which the shells landed.
>the scene in Band Of Brothers when they are in the forest during
>the Battle of the Bulge... where trees are being shredded and people
>are vapourized... that is closer to the truth
While I am not disputing what you are saying, I believe shelling can also be hugely ineffective. In Fred Bridgland's book A War for Africa he tells of how South African G5 (155 mm) shells were unable to injure or kill enemy soldiers if landing more than 3m from the target. Bridgland attributes this to the thick sand in which the shells landed.