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User Journal

Journal Journal: Ma 1st post

This is a journal post cuz I feel like it. Basically to introduce myself. I'll keep calling myself Khellendros, so don't need to worry about name..... OK. I'm a student at Cal Poly Pomona in California, United States. I'm a 2nd year CS major (it should be obvious by now why I'm not an English major =P) I've also got a blog at xanga. OK, Why did I sign up to /.? Linux- centric community (for a large part), without ignoring what's going on outside the penguin, Sometimes I just have some 'incredibly witty and/or intelligent' comment to make.....those are the main reasons. Bleh. I'm getting bored, so I'll end the blog here. Um....I guess IM me if you want, if you annoy me I'll just block you. ALl right, Khell signing out!

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
