Comment Re:Static Link? (Score 1) 151
I think I know why they claim a need to rewrite their downloader, it's because of the way the loader does implicit loading of DLLs at process initialization.
This implicit loading is vulnerable to DLL hijacking , and mitigations like SetDLLDirectory() and such don't help because it happens before any code in their updater gets to run -- even if they use a custom entry point. You can see this yourself by using WinDbg with Loader Snaps enabled , you will see DLL loads occurring before any of your own code gets to run.
So, one good way to defend against DLL hijacking, given this, is to make sure your downloader has no dependencies on Microsoft APIs except for those in kernel32.dll (and I suppose user32.dll). These DLLs are 'special case' DLLs that can't be hijacked due to their presence in the KnownDLLs list.
But, taking an updater with heavy dependence on Microsoft APIs and reducing this dependency across the board might easily require a big rewrite.