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Comment Re:wrong-- (Score 1) 288

> the incident from the Seattle Times above does not refer to a trans woman but to a guy in womens' clothes.

The claim I responded to was about explicitly "a man dressed as a woman", not about trans women. Therefore, the incident I cited was exactly on point, and your reply about "trans on kids" is irrelevant.

> Also it's a "claim being investigated" not someone being conviced or even charged.

Totally predictable and lame response. How much research am I supposed to do here? I've already exhausted my (really quite minimal) interest in the subject without rummaging for the resolution of a case. And by the way, I'm sure you did not do that research either.

Comment Re:Defense and spending ceilings (Score 2) 497

> Military spending is 54% [] of our national budget

False. You linked to a pie chart that looks only at "discretionary" spending, ignoring "mandatory" spending that comprises 60% of the federal budget. Military spending is not 54% but closer to 16% of the federal budget, and that 16% includes Homeland Security as well. See

Comment Gradual, ongoing winding down (Score 1) 215

Oh, I see, it's just "a kink in the gradual, ongoing winding down of U.S. military presence". This is the sort of tendentious characterization I'd expect from a white house spokesperson striving mightily to minimize the significance of recent events. According to Wikipedia, the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq was completed in 2011. I can find plenty of voices calling the withdrawal "precipitous", so I'd like to see a citation for it being gradual and ongoing, if you please.

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