Comment Re:Damned if they do, damned if they don't (Score 0) 183
Well said.
Well said.
> the incident from the Seattle Times above does not refer to a trans woman but to a guy in womens' clothes.
The claim I responded to was about explicitly "a man dressed as a woman", not about trans women. Therefore, the incident I cited was exactly on point, and your reply about "trans on kids" is irrelevant.
> Also it's a "claim being investigated" not someone being conviced or even charged.
Totally predictable and lame response. How much research am I supposed to do here? I've already exhausted my (really quite minimal) interest in the subject without rummaging for the resolution of a case. And by the way, I'm sure you did not do that research either.
> Can you give any citations where a man dressed as a woman to molest children in a public bathroom?
> Military spending is 54% [] of our national budget
False. You linked to a pie chart that looks only at "discretionary" spending, ignoring "mandatory" spending that comprises 60% of the federal budget. Military spending is not 54% but closer to 16% of the federal budget, and that 16% includes Homeland Security as well. See
Autotune for driving.
Oh, I see, it's just "a kink in the gradual, ongoing winding down of U.S. military presence". This is the sort of tendentious characterization I'd expect from a white house spokesperson striving mightily to minimize the significance of recent events. According to Wikipedia, the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq was completed in 2011. I can find plenty of voices calling the withdrawal "precipitous", so I'd like to see a citation for it being gradual and ongoing, if you please.
So, just Obama then?
You don't suspend laws by refusing the fund the government.
How do you feel about Obama suspending laws by refusing to enforce them? Hmm?
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