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Comment Re:I go on geek vacations (Score 1) 145

>>>>The problem with shuttle tourisim is that the launches get scrubbed so often, your odds of actually getting to see it aren't good if you don't live in the area.

Good point!

My brother in law spent like $5,000 to go there and had nothing to show for it after a recent launch being scrubbed.

Comment Re:Grammar Nazi Me (Score 1) 81

At last.... thanks.

>>>First paragraph: "each author brings their own unique insights" should be "each author brings his or her own unique insights."

that is being picky.

>>>Fourth paragraph: "in defense to how security is often perceived" should be "in defense against how security is often perceived."

also picky.

>>>>Sixth paragraph: "online-advertising" should be "online advertising."


>>>Eighth paragraph: "Chapter 7 is about the PGP" should be "Chapter 7 is about PGP."

At last, a REAL error.

>>>In "web of trust model, and recent enhancements bring PGP's web of trust up to date" the comma should be removed and "bring" should be changed to "bringing."


>>>Tenth paragraph: "a fascinating an enjoyable read" should be "a fascinating and enjoyable read."

wow, a real mistake!

>>>Eleventh paragraph: In "It is a good book for those whose who think information security" the word "whose" should be removed.

Terrible error!

>>>There you go :)


Oh, one last thing, this is /.

No one is that picky.

But am glad we have people like you.


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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
