Comment Re: They wanted a reliable supplier (Score 1) 31
So where is their Snapdragon X or M3 chip?
Oh Kirin from Huawei, got it, good luck with that.
So where is their Snapdragon X or M3 chip?
Oh Kirin from Huawei, got it, good luck with that.
Wondering if we use Kodi has tracking.
I don't think the TV can track what you are watching via the CEC can they?
I think it will be a way for students to flex while they are in class.
With TLS 1.2 you can sniff out the server someone is connecting to even if that host has multiple sites via SNI.
so if and all point to then you will see what website that user is connecting to via network capture.
You will not see the content though.
With a VPN you only see encrypted traffic to the VPN server.
You can further mask your DNS requests by have lookups go out the VPN tunnel.
Kamapuaa username checks out.
Why not wild pigs? Lot of them there.
I use PowerShell with ntlm on Linux to script some tasks on Windows boxes.
Its alright.
There are other reasons to shop at amazon.
They are quick
My local Frys closed down, the other local option is Best Buy which seems to be limited in selection. So its either Newegg or Amazon for me, if it is a planned build I can do Newegg, but if it something I need quickly, Amazon has the speed to get me a fan, hard drive or weird screw quickly so I can get what I need to do done.
They have amazon lockers
Porch Pirates are a thing. I have had things go from Newegg to a UPS store for pickup, but a lot of Newegg free shipping seems to only allow for USPS and cant opt to pay more for UPS. Also you are limited to when the UPS stores are open for pickup.
So they are incompatible gardens not walled gardens, each with different philosophies. You say "their" repository and use the word "ecosystem", making it sound exclusive like an apple store, NUX is not owned or maintained by Redhat.
If I wanted to distribute my own software via RPM/YUM, I do not have to get a license, cert or anything from RHEL to distribute it. Also I do not have to root my install for a third party repo.
I am free to choose a third party repo if I wanted even if it will make my system unstable and insecure.
Where did this come from? On the CentOS/RHEL side you can add EPEL, NUX, and google-chrome, make sure to import the public key so you can verify those RPMS.
Don't want to add a repo like and just want a single program, you can download the RPM and yum localinstall it.
I see freedom right there.
Even if you auto pay, you need to manually review what you get charged. Don't want to be caught off guard.
* Utility bill goes up due to some convenience charge. Why it costs $1 to process a credit card but nothing for a paper check,
* Reevaluation of my mortgage that increases Escrow payments
* Deferred interest
* Watching when charges post so I have enough to pay full balance of next statement so I dont lose grace period.
* Intro rates to services expiring.
* Unexplained transactions.
Run an OS that supports Flash in a VM to connect to Virtual Center.
His death may have been kept a secret so his son could negotiate with the government to slowly pay off the taxes so he can maintain control of Samsung.
I recall the storage guys where I work purchasing 48 port FC switches and licensing 24 ports. How would you all feel about finding a way to activate the other ports on the switch? Is it different because it is the company's money and not mine.
Honestly I am split on the issue and having a hard time reconciling what I feel is right, I know that it should be your hardware but those features are not what you purchased.
Same with ilo or idrac enterprise version, is using the same key across all your servers OK? It is my hardware right? I feel like if the company is buying the server we should purchase a legit key, but if it was me purchasing on the secondary market, I feel like it should have all the bells and whistles of the enterprise version.
Is it free? When we go to some websites aren't we paying for a lot of it through advertising and surrendering of private information.
Slashdot and other sites make money somehow to pay their expenses, isn't it usually through advertising?
Cue in the people that have adblockers; there are freeloaders everywhere, as long as everyone else can make up the difference.
Enough freeloaders, the site degrades, becomes outdated etc because it is not sustainable.
I agree with that may induce a false sense of security and there is a point along the chain that can be taken advantage of. But it protects the other parts of DNS also it was faster for me over using DoH than unencrypted DNS. The tinfoil hat in me suspects that somewhere along the line somebody is stopping and looking and possible looking at my DNS traffic, maybe because I contracted for an ISP once and they had Sandvine equipment and figure they all mess with traffic.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.