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Comment Re: Who cares (Score 2) 145

Most flight software is written in C or C++, because it has to be bare metal fast and utterly predictable. The code is written in a CMMI Level 4 or better environment, which guarantees that every line of code is scrutinized and tested as much as possible, from every angle. That code does exactly what it is supposed to. In that environment, you could be writing in brainfuck and be guaranteed that the plain would arrive safely. That being said, never, ever use JAVA in anything realtime - a full stop garbage collection at the wrong time will ruin your afternoon.

Submission + - Erlang Creator Joe Armstrong Has Died

rcade writes: Joe Armstrong, the computer scientist best known as one of the creators of the Erlang programming language, died Saturday. Erlang Solutions founder Francesco Cesarini shared the news on Twitter and said, "His work has laid the foundation which will be used by generations to come. RIP @joeerl, thank you for inspiring us all." Erlang was created by Armstrong, Robert Virding and Mike Williams at the Ericsson telecom company in 1986 and became open source 12 years later. It is known for functional programming, immutable data, code hot-swapping and systems that require insanely high levels of availability.

Comment Re: Cool! (Score 1) 103

Genetic counselling will address that, it's recessive, so as long as they breed with non-carriers it should be ok. Humanity is in kind of a post-natural selection phase at the moment, not to say that it will last. It is a net positive to keep the gene pool as diverse as possible while we are, because we don't know what's coming for us.

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