Scale instances to the gear level. There is too much content already. I've been playing for three years and haven't seen half the raids. From WotLK I have completed Naxx and NONE of the other raids. My guild was too small to tackle content regularly. My guildies were great, helpful people who were excellent people. What? "find another guild" you say? Are you seriously indicating that something that is a *game* should motivate and encourage affiliation based on performance and not on friendship? I'd be happy to go back and spend time in older raids if they were challenging. Put together a group, figure out the average iLevel and then scale the damage and healing for the instances. Bam. All content becomes fresh.
Allow raid compositions of more/less than 10/25 players (and scale the instance). "One raid member can't make it tonight?" you're fucked. "Oh, you have one too many" Too bad, benched.
Allow players to create instances and content. If it is about providing enough challenging content to keep players interested (and it should be... I can't take another random Zul) then Blizzard needs to get over its love of canon/lore and simply release tools that allow players to create their own instances. Yeah, the story lines won't remain consistent but so what. Limit what can drop in the player instances and have a system for obtaining Blizzards approval. Then you would have more content, faster than any player could keep up with.
Get rid of the dependence on guild membership to tackle content. World of Warcraft is clearly designed by individuals with a juvenile high school mentality. guilds are just popularity cliques.You want to raid? You must have a guild to be successful in end-game content (which EVERYONE pays for but few people get to see in a timely fashion). If your guild falls apart, or is great people but too small, or you can't make the 80% attendance requirement, or your employment schedule shifts and takes you out of your scheduled night... you're screwed. no raiding for you unless you find a new guild. Make changes that de-emphsize guild membership as a requirement for experiencing game content. Provide power to the individual to choose content.
Forget about the damn chinese/gold/gear farmers. Drop the whole idea of raid locks. This is put in to prevent people from farming content and becoming geared "too quickly", whatever that means. SO FUCKING WHAT? I don't care if somebody else is getting a free ride. How does their success diminish my ability to play? Why punish me so that I can't honestly grind gear at my pace? If they're geared but they can't play I'll just avoid them. There's no rational reason concerning game play for lockouts. Yes. it prevents guilds/groups from farming gear for new players. But So what? Again another punishment for honest players. It could also be implemented better. Progression can be controlled through iLevel limits for instance entrances and also through content dependencies instead.
World of Walkcraft. Get rid of the damn corpse runs. No reason for them. At the very least when you die just cause the respawn at the instance entrance. Waiting/walking is not "fun". Nobody loves those zones were the graeyards are super far away. That run back really lets you relax and get in touch with yourself. Helps you contemplate your mistake and improve too.
Remove all the penalties for dying. Yes. I get the durability penalty. that makes sense as providing a major, reliable and continuous gold sink to maintain the stability of the economies. But rez sickness is stupid. more stupid is the "oh, you died again quickly? PENALTY BOX!" The disappointment of dying is enough of a punishment. Dying frequently is its own punishment. The time lost to rebuff, wait for mana, instant boss/mob reset is enough. Waiting for 2 minutes after Bloodlord Mandokir kills you is just stupid.
Random Raid Finder. Yes. I know this is coming but it's coming wrong. It will only allow grouping for lower level raids and not the current tier. Why? Stupid. Just another limit enforcing guild membership as a mandatory aspect of the game.
Real ID invites for raids. Why can't I invite my real friend on another realm to my raid? Stupid. NO reason for this. Blizzard here's a tip: start making the game about *friends* instead of factions and gangs (sorry... guilds, got my g's confused).
[Side note: Uber-raiders suck it up. You are the minority of subscribers to the game. Yes, I know you like being elite and don't like the thought of casual players having the same trinkets as you. But the other 98% of us casual subscribers are paying the same price for the same access as you are. And our succeeding at that content does not in anyway change your experience (minus the elitist pride) or your ability to succeed at it.]
Rated PvP. I like PvP but I SUCK at it. And I have a hard time getting any better at it because when I drop into a BG I spend my time getting insta-gibbed. That's not a learning environment. Put me in with players of my own ability. If I get better push me out against better players. If you can rate player performance in ladders and such in Star Craft II I think you can do it for WoW players.
rated battlegrounds. right idea TERRIBLE implementation. If you can get another 9 friends together who are interested in rated battlegrounds at the same time great for you. For the other 98% of us... let us join a random group and obtain rating. This is related to the previous item; rate the individual players not the group as an atomic entity.
Make PvP less about crowd control. PvP is not fun when your deaths all come during a moment when you can't do anything because you're frozen/stunned/silenced.
Basically, rate players on average dps/hps/mitigation and iLevel. Don't restrict raid lockouts. Allow random grouping for anything. Allow players to restrict the ratings of other players they are grouped with (within reason). Provide incentives for grouping with lower ranking players.
I can see people not wanting to be restricted by ratings... Make rated realms. PvE, PvP, Roleplaying, Rated.