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User Journal

Journal Journal: Welp

This account is ancient, but I'm glad it still works. Some of these posts are from middle-school-aged me. Pretty embarrassing to read them, but too interesting (in the train-wreck sense) to delete or ignore. I am definitely a different person now.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Welp

Oh hey look, Slashdot journal! Five years since my last entry, not bad at all. I guess I got a bit distracted these last few years. Well let's see here, things I have done since my last Slashdot journal entry:
  • Gradated high school
  • Completed B.Sc. with first class honours
  • Got accepted into grad school
  • Published several papers
  • Learned Fortran (oh god)
  • Lost 100lbs
  • Learned to play the guitar
  • Moved away, moved back, and preparing to move again
  • Fell in love with jogging (39km so far this week)

There's lots more but I can only list so many. I guess I should post another entry in 2012 (I might even have my Ph.D. by then).

User Journal

Journal Journal: SNOWWS!@

It snowed two days in a row!!@ WOWSERTS

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