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Comment Re:Brother (Score 1) 381

I second this. I have had two brother printers (one at home and one at the office) and they have lasted 8+ years and show no signs of slowing down. They are great for low end printing, which is probably all you need in a SOHO. I would recommend one with a network port and probably a scanner function as well, so the MFC7360 is probably a good candidate.

Also, to get around the fanboy reviews, throw out the 5 and 1 star reviews on sites like amazon and they tend to be pretty accurate.

Comment Re:no Windows fee, so costs more (Score 4, Interesting) 135

Or Dell, like any other company, is trying to make a profit and sees an opportunity to get some additional markup. You could also speculate that if they make the Ubuntu boxes cheaper, more people would buy them not knowing what Ubuntu is. Then when they try and install their copy of The Sims they will call Dell and complain. This raises their support costs for the computers and thus has to be included in the base sale price.

Comment The data is meaningless without real money (Score 4, Interesting) 248

The data being collected has very little impact on real world results. If there is no cost, then people will simply click the 3 cent link when they remember to do so. Since it has no impact on their finances they won't think twice about it.

Think about gaming sites that give you free unlimited chips to play poker with. People bet the max every hand no matter if they have 2-7 off suit or pair of aces. This completely destroys any comparisons to a real money game.

Comment I've Seen Touch Screens For Years (Score 5, Interesting) 913

I see touch screen computers all the time at best buy, so the PC manufacturers are definitely making them. The problem is, they don't market them very well. All of the PCs and laptops are lined up in a row and you could walk right by one and not know it is a touch screen.

I think Microsoft is trying to create a market of PCs that act like tablets, when that market doesn't really exist. If people wanted touch screens, they could get them today. Most users either want a tablet or a traditional computer. The users who want both usually want them as separate devices.

Microsoft screwed the pooch on this one and it will probably mean the end for Ballmer. Hopefully the next OS corrects the issues and slashdot can find something else M$ to bash.

Comment Do No Evil, my ass. (Score 1) 3

It looks like they are filtering based on user agent. Someone ran a test with a development machine and changed the user agent in a browser embedded in a WP app. Spelling Windows Phone 8.0 wrong, fixes the issue.

If Microsoft were to pull something like this (not that they have anything nearly as popular as Google maps), Slashdot would be up in arms.

Comment Re:Can you take one or two class during the day? (Score 1) 433

I know Oakland University used to offer the same class as either a masters level (5xx class) or a undergrad level (4xx class). The expectations for the masters level students are higher, but the lectures are the same. Since they cater their masters classes to working professionals all of the classes were 6pm or later starts.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 89

I agree completely with you. I understand Microsoft's desire was that designers could use blend and developers could use VS to get things done, but most developers end up using blend more than the designers to tweak things or to develop interfaces when the designers just give them a photoshop rendering to use as a basis. And in the cases of small companies the developer is the designer, developer, tester and deployer, so they end up having to switch between all sorts of tools.

Comment Don't forget the ADA (Score 1) 161

Remember the ADA when coming up with your solution. If you use CAPTCHAs, make sure you provide one that has both audio and video. If you are using image links, make sure you support screen readers with the alt tag.

If people are posting documents make sure they are in an open format. Many municipalities use MS Office and will just post docx or xlsx files without thinking about it. I

Comment Re:How Much Would What Cost? (Score 4, Insightful) 383

I mean, every version control system I've used in the past ten years has been free

Cost is not always measured solely in software costs. You typically need servers to support the software and last time I checked they cost money. Also, employee time is not free for setup of the repository, for training and for documentation of the process.

I love SVN for version control, but it is never free. It's just less expensive than other software alternatives.

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