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Comment Re: Excellent! (Score 1) 167

If your idea of winning an argument is to pretend I said things I never did, why even bother joining the conversation?

MrNaz claimed Israel supporters often make arguments based on starting "halfway through the story". So I asked him where the story's start point really is. I know what his answer likely is, but unlike you, I refuse to assume the worst about people I'm debating.

Comment Re: Excellent! (Score 0) 167

The only thing I think that the whole Palestine / Israel issue needs is a pretty simple exposition of the facts and history. It's not complex. It's just that the facts are deliberately smeared and obfuscated to make the whole thing LOOK complex when it's not.

It's as simple as Apartheid South Africa was.

At least, it's not complex if you decide to filter out pertinent facts. If you decide to actually get the context, complex it is, and no side turns out looking particularly nice.

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