Huh. No wonder Stuxnet was such a success.
If you don't have any, write some. If it's crap, improve it.
Either date- or version-based. "Delete after dd-mmm-yyyy" or "Commented out in 5.1". (Note how cleverly I avoid anticipating future version numbers. Management tends to change those things.)
To all the people saying "version control": I've seen enough botched configuration-management system changes and moronic branch management to know it ain't the be-all people think it is.
That is all.
Plus server in closet for when you need horsepower.
:) Ok, tiger, good one. Made me laugh (but quietly, since I'm in a cube farm).
I can guarantee you no one on my team (of developers, of varying ages) knows what mind maps are, except our BA, who got handed one by someone on ANOTHER team.
Eczema. You're welcome.
Sorry -- I couldn't get past the opening line: "She is hot!"
Ok, now I know the crew. Thanks, Datamation article, we'll call you!
My JRE wants to update itself every time I turn around, and I say "why, yes, go ahead". Where does this "quarterly update cycle" statement come from?
"Modern"? That plant was built in the 60s.
I wish. Split tickets = split government.
Right. Except THIS is the stuff that matters, not real-time cloth texturing.
It's not management. It's not lack of financial incentive. Mgmt doesn't have time/energy to scrutinize docs, and paying for docs is stupid because you'll get filler.
It's thought leaders on the team. You get some architect who wrote the system and fully understands it, PLUS he's smart, PLUS he's a git r done type (remember? remember? smart, gets things done? Thank you, Joel Spolsky). Result: the smart guy everybody looks to writes no docs. He doesn't need them. It doesn't occur to him that others might need docs, because it's not an immediate problem (fire, crisis) he can put out and be a hero. It's friction. No payoff for him to eliminate _that_.
So, everybody on the team follows his lead. There's no team culture of helping each other out by writing little love notes to each other that say such sweet things as "Returns the two highest priority items that are neither red nor flibbertygibbits (<see cref="isFlibbertyGibbit()"/>)."
The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin