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Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score 2) 139

Since Edge is just a Chromium skin now, why is anyone pissed that it is a) included with Windows and b) forced to be a default program for some things?

Why do we need to insist on web links being opened in Mozilla Chromium or Chrome Chromium or Safari Chromium or Brave Chromium. It's all the fucking same browser that collects your browsing habits and sells them to Google.

Mozilla isn't yet based on chromium; but perhaps you were just expressing hyperbole...

Comment Juristiction !? (Score 2) 75

Could someone explain why some random regulator in UK has any say in the merger of 2 United States companies? I mean I get that MS especially is a large global company, but legally how does that work, can any country in the world stop any merger?? I could see that they could register an objection with the appropriate regulators in the USA, but I'd think that would be it. What am I missing? -Josh

Comment Re:way back when I said "I know how to program" (Score 1) 188

"Any single spreadsheet alternative (whether it's google or open source projects) will implement the needed features with the same syntax" Hate to break it to you but "google" is also a specific mega-corp that has an increasing monopoly esp in schools :) Frankly why wouldn't you want to teach the "most common in use tool"(aka the monopoly) after all that's what they will most likely use later. Especially since Microsoft is fiscally supporting the program why wouldn't they choose one of their own tools??

Comment Re:I don't think it's enough (Score 1) 220

Yep, except a warranty is only as good as the companies willingness and ability to honor it, and your willingness/ability to sue them if they don't. So far I have gotten the following excuses: "That's not bad, some people are only getting 15miles" "It must be the charge controller firmware" "Our EV guy is out on vacation for the next 2 weeks" "Chrysler hasn't given us any information on how to fix batteries" and my personal favorite: "If it isn't the charge controller there is nothing else Chrysler can do" So its seemingly like I may end up in a lose lose situation.Its all happening right at the tail end of my State's lemon law period so I suspect they will end up "aging" me out of that option, but honestly in the current used car environment I bet I can get a better deal selling it then buy back minus "use".

Comment Re:Trustworthy Data!? (Score 2) 47

Be grateful they're being honest. It's an artifact of the real life data - an outlier normally discarded in the data massaging process. If they threw it out, they'd be accused of manipulating the data to serve their purpose. If they don't throw it out, people question the integrity of the effort.

Real world data is messy.

I meant that sarcastically, I should go back and add tags, I have worked with lots of depth sensors, and yes you can definitely get odd readings as you get to boundary conditions (such as 0). Getting good clean data out of depth sensors is hard, especially for irregular surfaces (such as snow and liquids in vibrating machinery)

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