It appears that recent versions of NoScript block this by default with ABE (http://noscript.net/abe/index.html)
Let's hear it for NoScript!
Am I the only one out there who's psyched that they used an approach plate as one of the demo PDFs? That's exactly the kind of usage I'm anticipating these being perfect for
Funny, I do the same thing; swapping back and forth whenever I feel like it, and I've never noticed a difference either way. It's certainly not as hard to learn as writing with either hand.
But _I_ was going to call it mousebidextrous
Am I the only one amazed that being in your seat, with all of your safety harnesses fastened, and your suit/helmet on and sealed, isn't absolutely required during re-entry? Having your seat belts fastened during takeoff/landing is legally required in a junky Cessna 152, much less the multi-billion dollar space shuttle
All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.