at this point a much cheaper Android-based tablet computer may start to look more interesting than before
This may be true of there were cheaper case you haven't been reading the news, Apple pre-paid for nearly every LCD screen and every bit of Flash memory known to man for like the next 5 years. That's why Xoom costs $300 more. Just drink the Kool-Aid already...the iPad is worlds ahead of the alternatives.
pay a crapload and Linux users pay nothing. Sounds like the tax is already in place. Maybe the money is just going to the wrong people.
You are so dumb, you are really dumb.
Clearly none of this matters because Linux is free. The community finds all the bugs and satisfies all of the user's every need. It is, therefore, installed on all computers, the world over, and security would no longer be an issue were it not prevalence of the password, "password".
Paying extra for security is basically akin to insurance. If you're paying extra for insurance, you typically have a certain level of responsibility, but when you get screwed by that which is beyond your control, then, in theory, you are adequately compensated. How about factoring insurance into the whole "software == automobiles" argument.
It'd be nice to see Slashdot debate this issue on merit as opposed to the dogmatic FOSS genuflection that seems to be taking place. A security insurance guarantee that costs extra is not something solved by an open or a closed source model, it's something that's solved through adequate product support and potentially a claims process in the event of being hacked. Slashdot used to like Apple, but it seems they hate success, which is just jealousy and really unbecoming of the level of discourse of which this site is capable. I, for one, would like to applaud Apple for taking security seriously, as I do *gasp* Microsoft for doing so for the last couple of years.
Because its too much $. At least for me. While i would rather have one, I can get a decent Android tablet for under 200. If the ipad was down to 300 id have chosen that instead.
Its not a 'reqiurement' to have one so the budget comes into play for some of us.
You get what you pay for and time is worth money. Waiting another month or two to save another $200 will save you loads of time in the long run and you'll be happier with your gadget. I, for one, am nearly living in the tech utopia I saw in Aliens as a child...Facetime, Bitches, Facetime. (I allow and encourage Apple to use that for an ad).
Uh, Java is Open Source,
.NET has at least 3 different ways to write client-side apps...Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight (not to mention ajax web apps and xna). Silverlight is basically a flash clone with
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen