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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 3 accepted (16 total, 18.75% accepted)


Submission + - Quality Open Source Calendaring/Scheduling? 2

Jim R. Wilson writes: "In past jobs, I've used Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, Novell Groupwise, and Google Calendar for handling business appointments. I'm sorry to say it, but I have yet to see a rival to Microsoft's scheduling features. On Slashdot, I have occasionally read rumblings that there are better, open source email and calendaring solutions out there. Can anyone substantiate this claim? What are the OSS alternatives? Can any compete with MS's resource scheduling?"

Submission + - Google's Blog Software Used for Phishing

jimbojw writes: "In a recent security advisory Fortinet is reporting: ( Google ) is one of the most visited blog sites. Due to its popularity, hackers have started to embed malicious scripts on some blogs. These scripts have shown up on hundreds of sites. In some cases, a variant of the Stration mass mailer is responsible for directing traffic to the sites.
CNET reported on the situation, quoting an unnamed Google representative:

"These are not legitimate blogs that were compromised. They appear to be deliberately set up to promote phishing, which is against our terms of service. We are investigating, and blogs found to include malicious code or promote phishing will be deleted,"
The blogs in question use meta or JavaScript redirection to push traffic to a phishing or malware site. Links to the blogs are subsequently mass-mailed by infected visitors — typically via worms in the Stration family.

We can only hope that this will not cause Google to remove's templating engine — which is both a source of its strength, and a potential liability as illustrated by these recent attacks."

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