Comment Marketing speak (Score 1) 133
Notice how they use the term "carbon free" rather than non-polluting? It seems like every discussion of nuclear, pro and con, technical and non-technical, left and right, develops Alzheimers when it comes to radioactive waste.
Nuclear is the dirtiest form of energy: We have still not developed a method of properly handling the waste products during their 10,000-100,000 year radioactive period. I am not worried about the next 500 years. I am very concerned about the 10,000-100,000 years after that. 500 years, twice the amount of time that the United States has existed, is rounding error for nuclear waste.
If nuclear were simply moving radioactive substances from one place to another this would be a different debate, but nuclear creates waste, highly toxic radioactive substances that did not exist before, poisonous to thousands of generations of people, unless we take steps that we cannot conceive of and have definitely not invented yet.
Highly dangerous radioactive waste exists in forms that are probably not very well secured today, but likely good enough for our lifetimes, and maybe for longer. But we can't keep kicking the can down the road. We need that 10,000-100,000 year repository figured out, and it will likely cost trillions of dollars over time.
And, yes, fusion power would be a good idea. Whenever that happens. 100% of nuclear power today is 1940's technology. Nuclear disposal technology is from the Stone Ages, when the answer was to throw your garbage into a pit.