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Comment Re:Its sad (Score 1) 64

Using stuff that's cheap because it's left over doesn't meet the goals.
It certainly could. This problem seems easily solved the same way we do in the engineering competition I participate in... use whatever you can get your hands on, but it needs to be available for purchase from somewhere, and you have to apply the full retail price against your budget limit. Then you still create a product that is reproducible within the design constraints, but you didn't have to spend 100% on your prototype.

Submission + - Hackers Cause Generator to Self-Destruct

An anonymous reader writes: It has been revealed that in a U.S. Department of Homeland Security exercise codenamed "Aurora" conducted in March of this year, researchers were able to cause a power generator to self destruct remotely via a "cyber attack" which changed the operating cycle of the generator. "Government sources said changes are being made to both computer software and physical hardware to protect power generating equipment."

Full Story

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