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Comment If Bitcoin is so bad, why do people care so much a (Score 1) 461

I use Bitcoin to buy legitimate goods. I could use rocks, or literally anything at all, as long myself and the seller agree on the currency. If I choose to use a digital currency, back by nothing, and the sellers accept it. That is our choice and our risk. What I don't understand is the backlash against Bitcoin. Why does anyone care? If it's stupid, call us stupid and move on. I see Bitcoin as a free market currency I can use without the interference of government banking systems to purchase goods around the world with fast, secure, transfer between buyers and sellers that is backed by the users trust in the system. If you see it differently, then stay out of it. I ask the naysayers to stay out of the debate. To all the people who say Bitcoin is just a vehicle for nefarious operations, cash is used everyday at a much higher volume for nefarious operations. To say Bitcoin should be outlawed because a criminal element uses it ,is to say cash should be outlawed as well.

Comment ASUS (Score 1) 287

I bought my first ASUS Zenbook years ago and it is all I will buy today. I have no issues installing Linux, my preferred notebook OS. I am not a hater of Windows. It works great on my desktop. Linux is just better for my mobile needs.

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