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Comment Youth (Score 1) 473

"At eighteen he might have been a poet. Now he is not a poet, nor a writer, not an artist. He is a computer programmer in a world in which there are no thirty-year-old computer programmers. At thirty one is too old to be a programmer: one turns oneself into something else - some kind of businessman - or one shoots oneself."
- Youth (concluding paragraph), J.M. Coetzee - Nobel Laureate in literature, former IBM employee

PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Unreal Tournament 3 Performance Revealed (

Vigile writes: "The Unreal Tournament 3 demo might just be dropping today, but with a launch on the PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and even an in-box Linux client it will definitely be one of the best titles out for the holiday. With an early take on the UT3 demo's performance, PC Perspective has posted an article that compares cards from NVIDIA and AMD in both single and dual-GPU configurations to see which are the best performers. It turns out that even mid-range cards are going to be more than capable of playing UT3 at impressive image quality levels."

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