Comment Free Speech (Score 1) 339
Ross Ulbricht wrote code. The legal equivalent of writing a book. He never sold any drugs.He wasn't prosecuted for buying drugs, cause there was no evidence he ever did. They threw him in prison for practicing his first amendment rights, sending a chilling effect to all programmers everywhere "Don't you dare write code that makes citizens more free, or we will throw you in jail. you should only be writing code that helps us spy on and control our citizens like those good guys at Facebook"
Trump can be a bad guy yet still do a good thing. Ross Ulbricht deserves to be free: just like Kim Dotcom, just like Edward Snowden, and just like the three teenagers who wrote us The Pirate Bay
Trump can be a bad guy yet still do a good thing. Ross Ulbricht deserves to be free: just like Kim Dotcom, just like Edward Snowden, and just like the three teenagers who wrote us The Pirate Bay