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Comment Re:What's the problem? (Score 3, Insightful) 118

My manager was complaining to me about one of his directs that seems to work from all over the place, at one point he was pretty sure from Hawaii. He's logging in at all hours of the day and night, responding to messages at weird times.

I asked if he was getting his work done? Yup, he is. Is he missing any customer commitments? Nope, he's not. Are any other obligations getting missed? Nope, not those either.

My manager stopped complaining to me about it.

Comment Re:Could be good; probably won't be. (Score 1) 25

It's overkill, to me. I just want a lineup of monitors that:

1. All support DP MST
2. Provides a quality KVM with lots of USB output (at least 6 ports), 2x USB-C/TB input with 3rd HDMI/USB combo input
3. VESA mountable
4. Multiple resolution and size options that, and this is the big one, all use the exact same DPI. This should include some 3:2 displays, as well as some novel form factors like LG's vertical monitors

Comment Re:pfsense/opnsense (Score 1) 150

I've seriously been considering building one with Arch and nftables, but I'll probably just go with a Mikrotik. All I know for sure is, I want to move on from this Dream Machine.

I'd like to be able to run Suricata, and Mikrotik doesn't support it or any IPS. I'd also like a VTI for a S2S I use to a lab environment at work. I think I can probably get a pure IKEv2 VPN working with BGP without a VTI on RouterOS 7, but I'm not really sure until I try. And rolling my own just seems like fun.

Buuuut... I work full remote, and breaking my edge with an update doesn't sound as fun.

Comment Re:weird battle for so many to fight (Score 1) 85

Interoperability is nice, though. I have a couple people who I actually enjoy talking to, that refuse to install Signal. Most who refuse, I just don't really talk to a whole lot.

Obviously, lack of encryption in the standard would be an issue for them, but is there anything stopping others like Signal from spinning up RCS infrastructure? Signal protocol between Signal users, with a fallback to encrypted RCS once it's standardized. My understanding is that they primarily stopped supporting SMS because it wasn't clear enough to users that they weren't sending encrypted messages.

I guess I don't know how open the federation is in RCS, and if it needs configuration between vendors, or is more like email where messages are just routed by unique address and DNS records for the domain.

Comment Re:Strange Days (Score 1) 54

Back in the day after experimenting with all the distros, I landed on Arch (btw). When I stopped having time for Arch, I surprisingly gravitated towards Fedora. Prior to Arch, I had always gravitated towards Debian, and other distros that put me in more control. But Fedora tends to make good decisions relative to my preferences, and really just works out of the box. When something does break, it's fixed quickly.

Comment Re: The whining will continue no matter what (Score 0) 241

That's interesting to me, I'm very much the opposite. I have trouble getting out of bed and getting going until there's some sunlight. I played around with a Phillips Hue bulb set to a sunrise cycle when I was further south, I should try it again now that I'm living further north.

As an aside, I had absolutely no idea that London is that far north!

Comment Re: The whining will continue no matter what (Score 0) 241

Agreed, as long as we're committed to time zones at all, I think we need another. Though I think I'd rather just say screw it all, and have a single time zone for the entire country. We can adapt our shifts and school hours and such, we don't all need to normalize the hours we sleep, wake, and work, even though they're offset in reality.

Comment Re:The whining will continue no matter what (Score 2, Interesting) 241

I'd be curious to see a survey normalize the results to the latitude of the responder. I'm right near the 46th parallel, and the sun was already rising at around 7:50 before the time change. At the latest, it would have been around 8:45 if we stayed in DST, and I'm pretty far towards the eastern edge of my time zone. I hate changing the time, and living in Arizona really cemented that, but I also think it would be absurd to adjust it according to the whims of people who are more minimally impacted by it. Hell, even Chicago has almost 30 minutes more sunlight on their shortest day of the year.

It should be adjusted to keep solar noon from straying too far past local noon at the more northerly latitudes of the continental US, to minimize the population that loses the health benefits of morning sunshine during the winter.

An alternative would be to slant the time zones easterly as you move North, but this would be difficult as you get to states that border the Mississippi, without splitting states between two zones. Personally, I think we should add an additional time zone, slant them easterly, and normalize to DST. But since the first two would never happen, we should just get rid of DST and normalize to standard time.

Comment Re:Fingers crossed (Score 0) 84

Up here in Northern Wisconsin, they regularly roost pretty high in the pine trees, probably about 30 feet up. I'm sure they're avoiding wolves, foxes, bobcats, and other predators. When I spook them around dusk, they'll fly a few hundred feet across the river. Graceful they are not, but they get the job done.

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