I don't
Beat me to it.
I've got a great idea for an innovative and new concept. Provide all content absolutely free. Not only that, you don't need an Internet connection to use it, everything is broadcast using radio waves. Push content on a schedule that everyone knows. No need to search and search for what you want. Incredible savings! Everything is supported by just a few ads tucked in here and there.
Oh, wait.
No, because the only programmers that were involved were the ones who developed the (probably generic) training software for the AI. Once the AI is trained (euphemism for "after the weights for the ginormous number of neural-net levels/nodes in the AI were calculated") the AI is a black box. Stuff goes in, stuff comes out. If the out-stuff says "kill the operator", well, the operator gets fragged by the AI. Sounds like what they have done in their "fix" was to start adding kludge if-then-else code on the back end of the AI, which can extend into a near-infinite level of "oh dear, best fix that - Patch Level N ; oh dear, best fix that - Patch Level N+1;loop".
AI is artificial, but it is in NO manner intelligent. Nor are any programmers involved once the training platform is developed and implemented. Clearly, there is also very little intelligence at the user level (or decider level) either.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.