Comment Re:A good idea that won't turn out well (Score 1) 262
Having done most of my education in Virginia (6th grade through PhD), I think I have some idea how this is going to go. First, the teachers will receive a bare minimum amount of instruction and education into this. There will be some cookie-cutter materials that the department of education will pass out, and they'll make teachers sit through some class. But the bulk of the instruction will consist of the teacher plopping an over-produced, over-dramatic, under-budgeted, cheesy videocassette into an old VCR that the school should have replaced last century with something more modern. The teachers will then do nothing more than to facilitate some type of bogus group discussion on this whole internet thing. And, of course, the students won't take it seriously at all. Because how can some grown up know more about the facebooks and myspaces out there -- "grown ups aren't supposed to use these things." So half the students will end up practically sleeping through it, and the other half will end up cracking wise-ass jokes at the teacher and getting smart. So the overall effectiveness of this will be essentially nil.
I only wished that would be the way it happened, because then it would at least make for a funny joke. What really happens is they bring in some guest speaker who gives a speech in front of the whole grade and talks about how pedophiles can see anything you put up on Facebook, completely ignoring privacy settings while people actually pay attention and believe what is being said (though fortunately this is only the stupid people, the smart people know too just ignore that idiot speaker.)