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Comment Re: Not sure how to respond (Score 1) 163

There is no real comparison between fibre and satellite connections. Fibre is the real deal because it has no upper limit on the bandwidth, but it is not available short term and the world has been waiting decades for it to be available outside major urban centres. Satellite is available at much smaller bandwidth as fast as a courier can deliver the equipment. You plug it in and in 10 minutes you are connected. There is almost no overlap between the two systems, so they dont compete except in some edge cases. The Inflation Reduction Act was designed to expand fibre outside urban centres to improve national productivity. It was never going to be an overnight success. The problem was that Musk was ruining his own reputation with Democrats. People who need a satellite connection are a small minority whose interests were trampled on because of the fake politicisation of an engineering program that was never going to help them anyway. Musk doesn’t actually have anything to do with that. People who think that cars, or rockets, or network connections, are political, are suffering from hysteria.

Comment The article misrepresents the original comment. (Score 2) 99

The comment compared a landmine, which is a very simple computing device that is already in use on a massive scale, and which is programmed to kill indiscriminately, with an AI device which can be programmed to kill in a selective way. It clearly implies that the AI device would be a morally superior alternative. The article completely failed to show that the current debate that proposes that all AI weapons are evil and should be banned, would be worse than the current situation. This is about comprehension of logical statements and fails completely as journalism. Read it again. As it stands it is propaganda and has no place on Slashdot.

Comment Re:Yeah, we're totally (Score 1) 89

This is at least 50% true, but look at the spin. If you rewrite the article and substitute the word Euro, or any other currency, for Tether, it is still equally true. People use any currency to good things and bad things. Like wise spinners complain about the energy use of coin mining, without mentioning that the official credit system uses huge amounts of energy, that is somehow not worth consideration. Every day the USD is used to pay bribes, buy drugs, guns, and CSA. The government should ban it obviously.

Comment Re:Recall made me leave Windows and MS for good. (Score 1) 169

The business of selling an OS is the candy that they give the children in exchange for their data. Forget crypto, data is the new money, the only money that really matters. The reason that the OS is so crappy is that customer satisfaction doesn’t matter once the “customer/addict” is locked in. They must have your data to feed their AI project and they will get it any way they can.

Comment Re:Author trying to salvage his own reputation. (Score 1) 95

The judge has made it obvious that the sentence will be appealed. The prosecution lost the standing to lay a charge for theft because the money isnâ(TM)t actually missing. The whole sensational trial is an ad hominem attack on a clueless autistic to cover up the fact that the court exceeded itâ(TM)s authority, and is trying to steal the money.

Comment Re:There is no "higher production rate"... (Score 2) 215

This is not even wrong, it is stupid and misleading. On a sunny and windy day the cost of solar and wind power is below zero, except for all the stranded capital cost of the machinery sitting idle, so comparisons based on it are meaningless. However on a windless night there is no renewable power of any sort. Even hydro power fails during a drought. That is why baseload power is essential. So none of the pseudo scientific so called âoemathsâ in these fake comparisons is true. Wake up Slashdot, this is not up to your standards! Nuclear is base load power. You cant compare it to intermittent power, they are apples and oranges. The only other sort of baseload power that is always available is carbon power. Carbon power is not actually cheap unless you ignore the cost of CO2 pollution. So all the comparisons in this article are actually false. The reason we are having this discussion on Slashdot is because the readers are meant to educated and intelligent. How dare you shovel this crap at your faithful readers! The TFA brushes over âoesocialâ questions, which actually means false propaganda about nuclear, which is all that this âoereportâ is about. There is a whole industry of fake news about nuclear. That is why Russia has been funding the âoeGreenâ movement while selling carbon to the suckers, but actually using nuclear themselves. Nuclear waste is feedstock for recycling into more nuclear fuel, so calling it waste is misleading, it is worth billions of dollars. Burying it in the ground is only necessary when you have been refusing to recycle it for decades and preventing proper funding for it using political scare stories in main stream media. More fuel waste = more recycled fuel. That stranded asset will reduce the cost of switching on more nuclear power stations. It is great that we have so much of it on hand to help the energy transition. Finally the point of SMRs is that construction of larger more efficient nuclear power plants is being prevented in developed countries because of propaganda by nut groups masquerading as environmentalists. There is no such problem in China so clearly it is a political issue that has nothing to do with actual engineering problems. The technology has been proved for decades, there is no problem with zero carbon nuclear base load power and the fools who are repeating lies about it should be ignored before they drive us to extinction. The whole point of SMRs is that the power grid needs to expand about 500% over the next few decades to cope with widely dispersed solar and wind power generation. It will cost trillions of dollars. In the mean time MSRs will provide base load at the edges of the network. Thorium SMRs will be temporary installations that will be delivered on the back of a truck and recycled every 10 to 15 years. There will be zero nuclear waste once a proper fuel cycle is established, as it should have been decades ago.

Comment Re:Golden times! (Score 1) 34

Firstly you havenâ(TM)t given a source for the âoeten times over figureâ, and secondly what you are really talking about is the effects of the waves of free money that have swept through the world economy starting with internet bubble in the 1990â(TM)s and repeated in every economic downturn since then. We are now returning to the economic model of the last 5000 years where it actually costs to borrow money. Business models, like the current âoeAIâ boom are still predicated on investment with no immediate short , or even medium term, of a viable business, AKA gambling, but the rest of us have to pay our mortgages, even in Florida.

Comment Re:So what's your skill? (Score 1) 93

This isnâ(TM)t new. Most of You Tube is plagiarised material with the images mirror image reversed, presumably to get around copyright, with a bot narrated from text. There is a Welsh accent voice bot that narrates a popular archeology site that is a perfect parody of a Monty Python sketch where the Englishman mistakes the Welshmanâ(TM)s statements for questions because he ends each sentence with a raised tone.

Comment Re:Screw the American auto industry (Score 1) 305

The answer depends on where your loyalties lie. The USA is being torn apart between those with employable skills and those who jobs have been automated or exported to third world countries. Soon there will be a lot more more unemployed Americans because robots are getting cheaper than workers. Democracy is under threat already. When most of the population is unemployed democracy will be impossible. Be careful what you wish for, because you might not like it when you get it. There are more important things in life than cheaper cars. On top of that the cheaper cars will not be around for long because they are only cheap because the Chinese government subsidises the manufacturers in order to create employment, and the subsidies come from debt. Chinese manufacturing is not efficient or sustainable. China is already in a debt crisis much deeper than the one in the USA. It cant last. We are all going to have to migrate to a social welfare system that provides guaranteed incomes for the poor or we will be trapped in a cycle of violence.

Comment Re:Three docs that were (Score 1) 350

Ivermectin is on the WHO list of essential medicines and is used for cases of intestinal parasites. During the COVID crisis a doctor in Egypt wrote a paper in which he mentioned using ivermectin in a case of COVID. Another doctor in Bangladesh also wrote a paper about using ivermectin in COVID cases. The reason is that in Egypt and Bangladesh a large majority of the population has intestinal parasites because both countries depend entirely on river water and the river is polluted. Doctors are supposed to know this stuff. In places in the third world a patient visiting a doctor can rely on getting a prescription for ivermectin in addition to treatment for any other problem because the odds are they will need it and it will help their other conditions as well by removing some of the load on their immune systems. Moronic, untrained, self publishing journalists, reading these reports, plagiarised them in developed countries and attention seeking idiots republished them, without understanding the context. Then Trump got involved. Suddenly ivermectin went viral. The real mystery is how did Trump or his press secretary learn to spell ivermectin? The standards, using the word loosely, of journalism, where this kind of BS can pass as acceptable have reached the gutter when it appears in the national news networks. âoeReputableâoe publishers are meant to know and care about the quality of their sources. This stuff cost thousands of lives. The money made by people who were not real doctors giving fake health advice during the COVID crisis was all obtained by fraud.

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