Comment Two rats, wires, wiskers.... (Score 1) 176
It's called TV commercials.
It's called TV commercials.
S-300 SAM can track up to 100 and engage up to 12.
That's what would make speeding riskier.
How many targets that puny Cordon can engage at once?
Then when your OS application bar and browser toolbar/menu will gradually disappear, you will not be surprised.
It does encrypt the passwords with a master password and having them on a PDA/phone is much more convenient than a file/application on a laptop.
On the other hand, an ideal banking service should make it impossible to perform a real transfer or payment (when your account is debited) without letting the customer know and receiving a positive confirmation that the customer (and not someone else) has been notified and approved the transaction.
From that perspective if someone manages to break into my banking account but can only view the information, it is a significantly lower risk that doing the same with a ability to send money out.
So having this information on twitter may actually increase the security (e.g. I will know immediately that someone used my credit or debit card number).
Of course, once it comes down to the implementation, another external service will just open another attack vector. But twitter here is no more or less secure than another account consolidation service or electronic bank statements.
I am not saying that SAP is an open source product in EFF terms (of course you cannot contribute back). But the source code is openly available to customers to peek into. Unlike most of the software vendors that only give you binaries.
The article complains that SAP does not support all the OSS community initiatives (as if nobody in OSS world ever has had any disagreement) and backs software patents.
As a software development company, SAP has no other choice than to hold on to their patent portfolio, even if for defense reasons. I am not saying that SAP will (or have) never sue anyone for patent infringement, but I have not heard of any widely publicized case of them doing so.
They use Mexicans here illegally to do jobs that Americans would do if they were paid appropriately.
Why don't you change that by paying $100 every time you lawn gets mowed?
What's next - flying pig flu?
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith