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Comment Re: Number of users in the UK? (Score 1) 42

The UK does have a 'Great Firewall'. But it does not filter content as aggressively as China's version.

The UK has operated a system known as 'cleanfeed' since 2004 to block child pornography. It currently operates using a number of methods:

DNS name blocking, IP address blocking using routers, Deep packet inspection-based URL blocking, Two-stage system (IP followed by DPI blocking).

There's other UK-wide internet filtering (eg various bittorrent sites), but cleanfeed is the most comprehensive one.

Comment Re:low spec (Score 1) 44

My $100 Librem phone:
  • Nokia brick: $20
  • crappy 4G Mifi: $20
  • crappy rooted tablet running linux: $60

My $130 Librem phone converted to a laptop:

  • As above + crappy bluetooth keyboard

And if I'm a journalist who's using a Librem phone to really, really protect my sources in the despotic country I'm working in — old thinkpad + tails connected to the Mifi.

Comment Re:Fuck the engineers (Score 1) 49

You seriously cannot expect ordinary people to understand the difference between clicking a link that goes to a proper web browser, vs an in-app browser.

The exploit works because Meta/FB know how tech-aware their average user is, and intentionally create a process that's sufficiently beyond their users' understanding.

Meta/FB are entirely in control of their code, processes, and how hidden or obfusticated they are.

If their average user became more tech-aware and, stopping the exploit fromt working, Meta/FB would 'complexify' the process until it was still beyond the understanding of their users.

Comment Re:The crazy thing is how they're doing it (Score 1) 27

As a multiplayer tetris player, I'm always amazed at how slow the classic tetris players play.

Multiplayer uses DAS with instant hard-drop and can achieve insane speeds.

On Jstris, the current top multiplayer site some of the top players are almost 7 pps (pieces per second).

As an example of a sub-15 second 40L:

(note: that's real time, not speeded up)

Comment Re:Normal (Score 1) 111

Ohhh, but the sound of the mirror moving up, locking in place, the curtains opening and closing, and the mirror slamming back down is music to my ears.

In that case you'll like Ryuichi Sakamoto's Ballet Mecanique from his Futurista album. The percussion soundtrack is composed from mirrors slamming back down (and the sound of the automatic winding motor whirring).

Comment Re:You want gritty before Blade Runner: Logan's Ru (Score 1) 101

Blade Runner is basically 1982 Hong Kong/Kowloon Walled City.

The HK new-wave - people like Wong Kar Wai and his photographer Wing Shya - had basically already nailed the Blade Runner style by then. That 'night-time, gritty, futuristic urban high-rise neon reflected in water on the street' style was new to western eyes, but already very familiar in HK cinema.

In fact, anyone who's walked around the outskirts of Hong Kong knows that 'Blade Runner' feeling well. But HK was around long before Blade Runner!

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