@alankerlin Hydraulics are usually closed, but that adds mass vs short acting open systems. F9 fins only work for 4 mins. We were ~10% off.
The author doesn't understand the requirements for elections. It should not be possible to bribe or coerce anyone for their vote. Anonymity is therefore an absolute requirement.
If votes were tied to identities you could have politicians bribing individuals for votes. Coercion could come in various forms, not just threat of violence, and it doesn't have to happen immediately. "I'm sorry you and your children are starving, Ms. Hudson. This is completely unrelated, but I see you voted against us during the last election. Ah, according to the computer, we're completely out of funds to help, sorry."
It isn't like people in the US name their daughters Jeffery [sic]....
Apparently they do in the Game of Thrones universe.
With that sentiment, you'd never put *anything* online. This whole thing is just some asshat ATM admins leaving stuff in the *default configuration*. This is the equivalent of buying a home router and not changing the default password (though nowadays routers come with individualized passwords, but they didn't used to).
The benefits of a hoverboard over a skateboard include being a smoother ride, being able to navigate over rougher terrain, requiring less manual pushing, and, well, just straight up flying.
While Onewheel doesn't exactly fly, it does cover the other three benefits (and on manual pushing, it's even better than Marty's), so I think it's fair to call it the closest thing to hoverboards yet.
This reminds me of little Bobby Tables. aka obligatory http://xkcd.com/327/
Some people HATE spoilers.
"News at 11."
That's the whole story folks. The fact that he did something notable doesn't remove his right to privacy.
Schizophrenia is not orthogonal to intelligence.
Surely you meant "schizophrenia is orthogonal to intelligence", otherwise you're saying that all schizophrenics are geniuses.
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain