Comment Re:So true (Score 2) 800
You think google has not been also collecting voice data to study? Thats what they are doing with google voice.
You think google has not been also collecting voice data to study? Thats what they are doing with google voice.
I give the label sheeple to many apple users because they admit to wanting apple's new phone without even seeing it or it being announced.
Do you really think store shelf space is cheap? Do you really think Samsung does not look at the sale rate and adjust their production rate?
The site creates an index of things on the internet, just like Google does
In hardware form
Apple also was not the FIRST to have "cut and paste" functionality on iphones!! Appl
But an IP address is not enough evidence to do anything. See the following link
This text: "doing a manual backup of your iDevice" above links to a web page that has nothing to do with backing up any iDevice.
Noun: A self-taught person.
From, "An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do."
So it sounds like only apps that have 1 window/ui screen.
As a frequent lurker in #maemo on, most users of nokia's N900 bought it because it had a linux kernel with gnu/etc tools included, not because of the Nokia logo.
What I find funny is there seems to be a shortage of CEO type workers. Why were board members from one company need to be board members in another company?$318-Bill-of-Materials.aspx
The biggest priced item on ANY tablet is the display+touchscreen. The other parts cost a fraction of what the display costs.
The typical user doesn't want the freedom before they buy the devices. After they have bought it and have learned of its deficiencies, they want this openness. Take a look at this story about Motorola's facebook page that had a vote on feature requests and the number one was "unlocked bootloader!!!!!". Second most voted was "unlocking the bootloader" and thrid most requested feature was "an unlocked bootloader" and the 4th most requested feature was "something to bypass the bootloader" and the 5th one was "unlocked bootloader" and it so on, take a look at the link below. They want this so they can install custom roms.
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.