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Comment Re:Don't worry about the content... (Score 1) 83

It's funny how I keep hearing from some people "I don't have server problems" blah blah. I can tell you that there is nothing at all wrong with my system setup, and the astonishing instability of the servers (if the login servers weren't down, the game server was) is what caused me to cancel my account. It's a shame too, cause I was having a lot of fun with it. I play City of Heroes and Guild Wars with no issues, and I used to play Star Wars Galaxies with no network issues all on the same connection. Something to remember is that some servers have worse problems than others (I was on Killrog) but after getting characters to level 30+, I'm not about to start over on another server. They need to fix the existing ones. period. That said, server issues have little to do with new content, but.. meh.

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