What really gets me, is this is all open sourced code. This means that a code audit would find this so-called back door, yes? I seriously doubt this so-called claim.
I fall into the old & grey category too. However, I still pwn n00bs 24/7...
Throw this one out of court, under the heading of "Hello Moron???" Time to wake the f**k up & think a little bit here, or at least take some responsibility for your own actions...
This is truly unbelievable.
This is one of the funniest things I've heard so far today. Let's be real here. Of course, I curse every time I go to the store too, paying outrageous prices for imported garbage...
You've got to be kidding me, right? Some idiot somewhere in the legal system really needs to get a grip on reality.
I work 10 timezones away from my birthplace.
Although I don't do any gaming on my Windows machine here at the office (Win7 x64), I rarely exceed 50% usage of my installed RAM (4GB). Running a lot of ssh terminals, browser, email & skype...
If you have to point & click to administer your network / device / whatever, you have no place as an administrator. CLI rocks.
Sorry, couldn't refuse that one.
It's a 10 minute walk, door to door
Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!