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Comment Really? (Score 5, Insightful) 983

5 people are dead. 5 more are in the hospital.

There are major perceived racial issues and conflicts at hand, and you want to focus on the specific equipment at hand?

This was not an autonomous killing machine. It was similar to an RC car with an explosive charge attached to it. All other attempts to kill the gunman had failed, and putting even more people into extreme risk was ill-advised. Putting him down *hard* was the best possible option given the situation.
The gunman was actively shooting other people. At that point, killing them via whatever method is the only sane option. The situation had already been escalated beyond most thresholds.

Turning the conversation into a "but... robots are evil" mess detracts from the very real issues at hand.

Comment Alleviate bandwidth concerns (Score 1) 94

Couldn't this help to reduce overall consumed bandwidth? I mean, set your local device / player to download the media overnight (or during the day, non-peak hours) and then watch during peak hours.

Sure, the same amount of bandwidth would be used, but it would make balancing the network usage a lot easier.

In theory, there could even be a setting along the lines of "low priority bandwidth consumption during x hours" or "media must be downloaded by y time". Even if 2-3 episodes in advance are cached, that could help.

Comment Negotiating salaries is for the birds. (Score 5, Insightful) 430

I firmly believe that when job-hunting, you should know how much you'll be making when you apply. I've been through a number of interviews for what seemed to be great positions, only to have to turn them down after being offered the job because they weren't paying a decent wage for the job at hand.

Making public how much everyone is making goes a long way to keeping job-seekers aware of how much they are worth. Hiding salaries only helps companies, who can then keep low-balling people.

Back when I was in the Army, we all knew exactly how much everyone else made in base pay, from E1 to O9. That at least gave incentive to work up the chain from the bottom.

Comment I don't understand.. (Score 3, Insightful) 221

.. why we would want to use microwaves for this. Fiber is shielded, and capable of higher throughput. While I can understand using microwaves to communicate with satellites, I don't see why we would use them for communications between two population centers.

This might just be my dislike of wireless in general, but I don't see how this could solve latency issues...

Comment So? (Score 4, Interesting) 162

Most folks who need the throughput of a PCI-E SSD won't use it for just gaming. These same users are likely power users. Everything from running test VMs locally to Video / Audio editing would see a huge improvement from this tech.

Loading apps? games? That's nice and all, but those are far from the only use cases of fast storage media.

Personally, the new PCI-E SSDs have gotten a good amount of use from me as ZFS cache drives, where they've been wonderful for saturating 10gbps Ethernet.

Comment Re:Benchmarks for that AMD chip look bad... (Score 1) 180

But if the NICs are decent ones, and are able to offload most traffic, I'd love to use this for Untangle / PFSense / VMs and such.
cpubenchmark shows this as being roughly 30% more powerful than the Intel D525's that I've been using for said task.

Might even use it for XBMC / PLEX Home Theater.

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