So this guy Stonebraker thinks Facebook is running too many servers or something, or its just too complex, whatever. Seems to be working for me as a user so not sure what the problem is.
Is there something that can scale to support something as big as Facebook and be done using fewer servers with less complexity? What site has actually proven that? Was it because of the underlying db engine or just a better design from the get go?
This quote: "“old SQL (as he calls it) is good for nothing” and needs to be “sent to the home for retired software.” Is just flame bait (of course I'm taking it though).
His only real point is this: "the problem with MySQL and other SQL databases is that they consume too many resources for overhead tasks (e.g., maintaining ACID compliance and handling multithreading) and relatively few on actually finding and serving data. ". He has some engine he thinks does it better (VoltDB), which does a lot of stuff in memory, similar to memcached, but built into the engine. Good idea. Oracle DB has in memory tables as well.
Has anyone put this VoltDB to the test? Is it better?