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Submission + - Iran Blocks Google, Moves Forward With Domestic Network Plans (

hlovy writes: Iran moved forward with their previously discussed plans for a domestic version of the Internet over the weekend, as government officials announced that Google would be one of the first websites to be filtered through their state-controlled information network. According to Reuters, officials are claiming that the country’s self-contained version of the World Wide Web, which was first announced last week, is part of an initiative to improve cyber security. However, it will reportedly also give the country the ability to better control the type of information that users can access online.

Comment Re:Sentimentalism masquerading as insight. (Score 1) 7

I promise, last post. but this was even funnier, Sherlock. Haven't been with Arrowhead in a number of years. I don't live in Pasadena (and never had, even during the brief time I was with Arrowhead). Funny thing, this Google. Anyway, thanks for some comedy relief for today with your huffing and sputtering. Back to work.

Comment Re:Sentimentalism masquerading as insight. (Score 1) 7

You chose to attack me, rather than the ideas, alone, based on assumptions with no basis in fact. Anyway, I ordinarily do not respond to personal attacks, but this one actually made me laugh. Unfortunately, I do not live the comfortable suburban life of your imagination and need to get to work in order to pay the bills. No luxury of time for a useless back-and-forth. Bye.

Submission + - stem cell research running into IP brick walls ( 1

hlovy writes: The profit motive can--yes, shockingly--drive biotech research. But, according to a report by the AFP news agency, this same drive to make money is actually putting the brakes on embryonic stem cell research. With the research already set back years due to government research bans, U.S. scientists now face roadblocks because other universities or companies have secured exclusive rights.

Comment Some people use keyboards for actual writing (Score 1) 968

Typical how computer geeks believe they are the center of the world. There are some of us who use computer keyboards for reasons other than programming and posting things to blogs and bulletin boards. Some people use computer keyboards for actual writing of the English language and, in the case of acronyms, could really use that caps-lock key.

Submission + - Electric Vehicles? No. How about a better engine? (

hlovy writes: Don Runkle has a bit of news for everyone. It’s engines, not batteries, that will make automobiles cleaner and more efficient. “We unabashedly say that we have the best solution,” says Runkle, the CEO of Allen Park, MI-based engine developer EcoMotors International.

The startup, which brought in $23 million in Series B financing this summer from Menlo Park, CA-based Khosla Ventures and Seattle billionaire Bill Gates, has designed an opposing piston, opposing cylinder engine that users fewer parts than traditional motors do and generates more power from each stroke of the engine, CEO Runkle says. He says the “opoc” engine is smaller, lighter, and less expensive than the motors already out there, and a more viable option than switching automobile fleets over to electrical power.

Comment Makes no sense (Score 3, Interesting) 155

The article makes no sense. "Trust" in what way? It hints that they're talking about "trust" in the context of your private information, and not as a news source, but doesn't go out and say it. Also, Google is not a source of original information. It compiles news and repackages it from ... well, from traditional news sources.

Comment Re:Someone actually listens to NPR? (Score 1, Informative) 128

I have lost all respect for NPR. Biased for the "good guys" is still biased. And I cannot stand to listen to the reporters' voices anymore. Plus, I'm a sci/tech journalist who once provided some information to an NPR reporter who then went and lifted my information, word for word, and passed it off as her own. Ethics, schmethics ...

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