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Comment Re:further information (Score 1) 494

Yes this IS a self-referencing double post, but when I saw a comment by you directly in the thread (after I posted) I figured I might as well address you directly.

Don't respond by trying to defend your existing work, respond by improving your work.

In fact this whole event could be a great source of inspiration. Imagine a large yellow © navigating through mazes.

Super IPa©

"Instructions: Inspired by arcade classics and based on corporate greed! You control IPa© (Intellectual Property & Copyright).
The aim is to eat all the $ in the maze, while avoiding four Independent Programmers. There are [DMCA] power-pills available in each corner which temporarily turn the Independent Programmers into Frightened Infringers. Chase them down and devour them! Constitutions also appear and can be eaten for additional points.
Thank you to Bamco Nandai for the back story and to Rambler for the satire."

ps. if anyone actually wants to take this idea I hereby give full concept ownership to the public domain, and all who fly the pirate flag.

| ©X

Comment Re:Try having an original idea (Score 2) 494

There's a lot of good advice all over this page about originality that both can protect a developer legally and just make for a better quality.

In fact this whole event could be a great source of inspiration. Imagine a large yellow © navigating through mazes.

Super IPa©

"Instructions: Inspired by arcade classics and based on corporate greed! You control IPa© (Intellectual Property & Copyright).
The aim is to eat all the $ in the maze, while avoiding four Independent Programmers. There are [DMCA] power-pills available in each corner which temporarily turn the Independent Programmers into Frightened Infringers. Chase them down and devour them! Constitutions also appear and can be eaten for additional points.
Thank you to Bamco Nandai for the back story and to Rambler for the satire."

ps. if anyone actually wants to take this idea I hereby give full concept ownership to the public domain, and all who fly the pirate flag.

| ©X

Comment Re:Coffee (Score 3, Interesting) 223

The primary effectiveness of coffee comes from the stimulant properties of caffeine (take a couple of shots from an inhaler in close proximity with coffee and you'll notice that the stimulant effects of both compound for an unpleasant jittery effect).

HOWEVER the bitter vapors may very well increase the effectiveness.

I'm not surprised by this at all, based on decades of experience with bronchial problems.

Things I've noticed:
Cinnamon tends to have a soothing effect; particularly a "tea" of cinnamon with a shot of whiskey for good measure

hanging my head over a steaming bowl of water seems to help, tossing in fragrant spices seems to help more

Certain things do create a "content based sensation" in the lungs when inhaled; fragrant steams and inhalers themselves come to mind. (I've always had the weirdest feeling of being able to taste cold air, when it gets down a little below freezing I experience a smoky sensation that doesn't seem to come from anywhere in particular)

Classic Games (Games)

36-Hour Lemmings Port Gets Sony Cease and Desist 268

Zerocool3001 writes "The recently featured 36-hour port of the original Palm version of Lemmings to the iPhone and Palm Pre has received a cease and desist letter from Sony. Only one day after submitting the app for approval on the two app stores, the developer has put up a post stating that he 'did this as a tribute to the game — we can only hope that Sony actually does a conversion for platforms like iPhone and Palm Pre in the near future.' The text of the cease and desist letter is available from the developer's website."

Comment Re:Stress? (Score 1) 271

It's evolution in the same sense that dead and decaying humans smell so terrible: it's a warning of danger. Perhaps I should be more specific: it is not evolution itself, but rather a product of it.

Well thank Darwin that humans evolved a bad smell after they die!

and yes I am being exceptionally pedantic about this; but Ive gotten tired of people who quote beliefs without understanding what they're saying; at that point it's just another form of religion.

Comment Re:Alternate interpretation (Score 1) 271

I'd just like to know how you "barely" have a "significant increase"....

Not a biologist.....
but, If an immune response to other stimuli causes a increase somewhere between X and Z then a "significant increase" is one that either falls within that range or at least approaches it.

So if the increase reaches X.01 it has matched the "significant" criteria, but just barely.

like I said, not a biologist, but semantically speaking that's what the statement means.

Comment Re:Stress? (Score 1) 271

I think we have a word that already accounts for that: evolution.

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

"Origin of life" debates aside the "body will boost its immunity when it detects a possible disease threat" is an example of a system, not of an evolution.

Unless you are trying to imply that transforming to a different developmental stage by producing more IL-6, which would be sort of like saying that trees are evolving every time they produce leaves.

Words mean things, and meanings are important.

btw: I wouldn't be bothering to point this out... but someone already beat me to the more obvious flaw in your comment.

Comment IQ... wave or particle? (Score 1) 584

My IQ is high enough that I question the validity of IQ tests; So I think of myself as "about average".

On the other hand...
The average person is 'not smart enough" to reach that conclusion; putting me back ahead of the game.

This all leads me to think that belief in any method of measuring intelligence invalidates it's own conclusion, or that the conclusions that can be drawn invalidate the method.

Either way once you've opened the box Schrodinger's cat is now just as smart as the average dead cat.

Comment Re:All cars already have this system (Score 1) 690

Having BEEN in the situation myself, I can tell you that switching to neutral was the LAST thing I thought of. When you're sitting minding your own business at a red light and suddenly your car flares to life doing 60 mph in a couple of seconds, You're really much more focused on trying to stop the car, not the transfer of power from the engine through the transmission.

On a sidenote: Cutting power to the engine is ALSO a bad idea, at least if you happen to have power steering. Or so I discovered.

Glad you survived.

Having had many old as crap cars I've experienced the opposite, when you're going at speed on the highway and suddenly your brake cable snaps your first response better be to control the car through the transmission... otherwise your life ends as someone else's bumpersticker.

Like a lot of emergencies when it hits the fan all you've got to get you through is your past experience. I'd always say that someone should have "driving a standard" in their past experience.

Comment Re:What is illegal? (Score 1) 574

If this turns out to be a double post sorry.... it looks like /. somehow ate my first one

I find all sorts of business practices immoral and unacceptable... however no government anyway has passed a law against them.

Being philosophically evil is a standard business practice, and some (such as myself) might argue that capitalism as it exists rewards such evil. But the fact that something is clearly WRONG does not make it ILLEGAL.

Take your hypothetical flour example, there are no Anti-competitive practices described:

He has not colluded with competitors.
He is not preventing entry of anyone into the market.
His supplier is not contractually bound to deal only with him (or even with him at all).
He is doing the opposite of dumping.
His current position seems like a monopoly, but the presence of monopolistic circumstance is not illegal (particularly in short term situations); what is illegal is preventing competition from occurring.

and further more he is not even a monopoly.... Why?
Which governmental body has jurisdiction?
The Country or State? The $5 reseller is not the only person to sell flour within their jurisdiction so he is not engaged in a monopoly.

You have a lot of anger and frustration... this is good.
But only if you do something with it; and it has to be the right thing. Yelling "That's illegal" when something is not illegal is not the right thing.
Either work towards changing "legal" to be more representative of "fair", or educate others.

Before you can do any of this you must educate yourself.

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