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Re:WTF?  *Thursday February 04, 2016 @10:05AM 1 1
   attached to New Hack Shrinks Docker Containers
Re:Controversial?  *Thursday February 04, 2016 @10:18AM  1
   attached to Ethics Panel Endorses Mitochondrial Therapy, But Says Start With Male Embryos
Re:Why is this a problem?  *Thursday October 01, 2015 @11:29AM  1
   attached to Researchers: Thousands of Medical Devices Are Vulnerable To Hacking
Re:The Police Shouldn't Be That Worried...  *Thursday October 01, 2015 @11:49AM 2 1
   attached to Virginia State Police Cars Hacked
Re:Well that settles it then  *Friday September 25, 2015 @08:51AM  2
   attached to Court Rules Batmobile Is Entitled To Copyright Protection
Re:Can't trust Michael Moore.  *Tuesday September 22, 2015 @11:57AM 2 1
Re:Can't trust Michael Moore.  *Tuesday September 22, 2015 @11:44AM 3 1
   attached to Sci-Fi Author Joe Haldeman On the Future of War
Re:That'll teach you...  *Tuesday September 22, 2015 @12:08PM  1
   attached to Volkswagen CEO Issues Apology Over Emission-Cheating Software
Re:Because the parents don't care.  *Thursday September 03, 2015 @10:58AM  1
Re:Because the parents don't care.  *Thursday September 03, 2015 @08:48AM 1 1
   attached to Despite Reports of Hacking, Baby Monitors Remain Woefully Insecure
Re:We're still stuck with Big Buck Bunny as a demo  *Thursday September 03, 2015 @09:03AM  1
   attached to How Open Film Project "Cosmos Laundromat" Made Blender Better
Re:Isn't this thing already deployed?  *Monday August 31, 2015 @09:57AM  1
Re:Expect major BIAS  *Monday August 31, 2015 @09:38AM 1 1
Re:Isn't this thing already deployed?  *Monday August 31, 2015 @08:59AM  4, Informative
   attached to F-35 To Face Off Against A-10 In CAS Test
Re:Massive and stupid  *Monday August 31, 2015 @09:32AM 1 1
   attached to The Coming Terrorist Threat From Autonomous Vehicles
Re:So, what is the point?  *Wednesday August 12, 2015 @11:14AM  1
Re:Whatever you do...  *Wednesday August 12, 2015 @09:46AM 1 2
   attached to Kali Linux 2.0 Released
Re: This might alienate anti-ISI* Muslims.  *Thursday December 11, 2014 @10:02AM  1
   attached to US Navy Authorizes Use of Laser In Combat
Re:$1tr question--Why is all this Internet-facing?  *Friday December 05, 2014 @11:41AM  1
   attached to The Sony Pictures Hack Was Even Worse Than Everyone Thought
Re:$1000 Flashlights?  *Friday December 05, 2014 @03:02PM  1
Re:$1000 Flashlights?  *Friday December 05, 2014 @11:48AM  1
Re:Anything sold to the police should be sold...  *Friday December 05, 2014 @11:03AM  2
Re:Why only to police?  *Friday December 05, 2014 @10:51AM  1
Re:24kt Solo Cups?  *Friday December 05, 2014 @10:49AM  1
   attached to Every Weapon, Armored Truck, and Plane the Pentagon Gave To Local Police

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