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Comment Re:More details please (Score 1) 175

This company's name is indeed a palindrome - most specifically the entity providing Internet service to the communities is. I work for the company that manages operates the network. We have been doing far north and otherwise remote earth station installation and Internet provision for many years now. Both backhaul and last mile. We've developed a fairly unique skill set around this exact challenge. We are northerners ourselves, and no one else was coming in and bringing Internet to these places for us, so we did it ourselves.

Comment Re:More details please (Score 1) 175

If you have a large enough dish and transmitter, on C-Band, and you have a satellite with the right coverage footprint, it's really no problem at all going beyond 70 degrees. The company I work for provides high speed Internet service into Grise Fiord, Nunavut at 76.4N on Anik F2. There is a limit of course, but 70 degrees is not it. It's really a question of throwing adequate resources at the problem (dish size, and power). It's also possible to get fairly respectable bandwidth out of C-Band if you are able to use higher MODCODs (as a result of having adequate dish size and transmitter power). You can get >90Mbps on a full transponder of C-Band with 16APSK 8/9.

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