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Comment Re:Donated? Really? (Score 1) 157

You may be happy with the results but what if your son isn't?

What if he doesn't forgive you for not waiting until he could decide for himself if he wanted to keep his entire penis or not?

"Parricides account for about 2% of all homicides. Perpetrators are typically White middle-class males without a history of prior criminal convictions. Most parricides involve single-victim, single-offender situations, with firearms more likely to be used against fathers than mothers," Hlllbrand, and others write in their paper "Parricides: Characteristics of offenders and victims, legal factors, and treatment issues."

Honoring your boy's right to his own body may well be in your best interest, too.

Comment Donated? Really? (Score 2, Interesting) 157

Engineered skin products may well be great products with many uses. But there's a serious ethical problem with using foreskins taken from, not donated by, non-consenting minors.

So what's the big deal, boys are going to be circumcised anyway, why not profit from it?

It's the profit motive that's the problem.

Parents report being pressured by hospital staff to circumcise their newborn sons. In fact, the anti-circumcision organization was originally funded by couple in response to their disgust at having been pressured to have their boy cut.

Infant boys' foreskins may be very valuable to tissue engineering companies but they are more valuable and rightfully belong to the boys themselves.

Infant circumcision is an unnecessary amputation that cannot be refused by the prospective amputee himself. That makes it a forced amputation, a very serious human rights violation.

Circumcision advocates within the CDC are now pushing to get the agency to endorse circumcision as an HIV preventative. Sounds great, but if you read further there is no real claim of effectiveness. You still have to wear a condom if you want to be actually protected from infection. The circumcision-HIV experiment has already been conducted on a mass scale and the result was negative. America has the highest circumcision rate in the developed world and also the highest HIV rate. Perhaps that's why circumcision advocates are careful to say that you still need to wear a condom. Being cut is simply of no use in fighting HIV.

So why push parents to have their baby boy cut when it's not going to protect him from anything?

Follow the money. Amputating infant foreskins is a billion dollar business. And now someone else wants his foreskin, the tissue engineering companies.

The mass production of living tissue would be a fine development if it didn't depend on infant foreskins. Treating non-consenting minors as a source of spare parts violates our most basic ethical standards.


Should Mac Users Run Antivirus Software? 450

adamengst sends in an article from TidBITS in which Macintosh security expert Rich Mogull explains why he doesn't use antivirus software on the Mac, and why most Mac users shouldn't bother with it either. The article also touches on the question of when an increasing Mac market share might tip it over an inflection point into more active attention from malware writers. (Last month Apple had 14% of PC sales, but 25% of dollar value.)

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