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Submission + - Spotify's Ghost Artists (harpers.org)

heptapod writes: Rather than paying royalties, Spotify allegedly uses stock music companies to create their own filler music for playlists.

"Linus Larsson, showed me the Spotify page of an artist called Ekfat. Since 2019, a handful of tracks had been released under this moniker, mostly via the stock-music company Firefly Entertainment, and appeared on official Spotify playlists like âoeLo-Fi Houseâ and âoeChill Instrumental Beats.â One of the tracks had more than three million streams; at the time of this writing, the number has surpassed four million. Larsson was amused by the elaborate artist bio, which he read aloud. It described Ekfat as a classically trained Icelandic beat maker who graduated from the âoeReykjavik music conservatory,â joined the âoelegendary Smekkleysa Lo-Fi Rockers crewâ in 2017, and released music only on limited-edition cassettes until 2019. âoeCompletely made up,â Larsson said. âoeThis is probably the most absurd example, because they really tried to make him into the coolest music producer that you can find.â

The Ghost In The Machine

Comment Stick to food (Score 2) 121

Didn't McDonald's say dabbling with AI order taking was a mistake and they're putting the kibosh on that?

They did!

These companies are selling food. Crap essentially. Their margins are fatter than their regulars. No one ever said, "I want AI orders" nor "Giant touchscreens for orders". Those profits getting pissed away on flash-in-the-pan tech and AI could've been dividends or repurposed for delivering better food without jacking prices too badly.

Instead it's dumb widgets for crapburgers that ultimately cost more than Five Guys or sit-down joints because some MBA's innovation is a red herring.

Comment ooh bill gates (Score 0) 206

I don't trust Bill Gates. He's a billionaire. He's protecting his income with charity. He diddled kids with Jeffrey Epstein. No other reason why Melinda left him so quickly.

Moreso when a billionaire invests in fake butter and says it's like the real thing smacks of, "Oh our fake carbon and hydrogen butter is for the proles. Us oligarchs will continue eating the real thing."

There is only one thing to do: Eat the rich. Redistribute their money. Reinvest in regular American citizens than pissing money into billionaire hoarders.

Comment Whut up, Yo? (Score 1) 7

Whut up, yo? Mostly moved to Twitter... You have an account... why don't I see you there much?

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