Comment One in two thousand. (Score 1) 170
1 out of every 2,000 Americans alive at the start of the pandemic has now died from COVID19
1 out of every 2,000 Americans alive at the start of the pandemic has now died from COVID19
You can look at their code if you like:
Tell me what you think, and look closely at the commands for the servo to move the filter...
My employer mandates Windows OS for corporate laptops. Not my data, not my call.
I use WSL quite a bit on my work laptop. Why?
- It complies with our security policy
- I can use things like linux-based microcontroller tool chains exactly as I would on my Linux boxes at home
- I don't have problems with USB passthrough with serial adapters
- I can awk, grep, cut and sed files in my windows file system without any file sharing hassles
- I can use gcc to build little utilities as needed
- ssh and scp are easier to use from WSL
- it is always there - one click away on the task bar
Sure, it has a few tiny foibles, but is just simpler than using a VM.
Just had to see what this place looked like - "a pharmacy in an a shack" wouldn't be too far from the mark.
Also saw this on the search query:
n the recent case of Tug Valley Pharmacy et al v All Plaintiffs (2015 W.Va. LEXIS 673 [May 13, 2015]), the West Virginia Supreme Court weighed in on public policy concerning the diversion of controlled substances. The ruling allowed substance abusers to sue the prescribers and pharmacists who supplied the medications, even though the patients acknowledged engaging in an array of illegal activities including criminally acquiring narcotics by misleading physicians and pharmacists, doctor shopping, and ingesting the medications in amounts greater than prescribed.
I can't recommend scratch highly enough. is great. You can do some pretty neat things with it. Here are some projects you can work through http://projects.codeclubworld....
I tried to teach some Javascript game programming to a teen, but the lack of geometry skills (e.g. sin(), cos()) and physics ( e.g. d=at^2/2) made it tough going to fire cannonballs around. There is most likely a library that could hide it all, but why would you?
That solves that problem.
Still plenty here:
I had no problems ordering my Zero from them on release day too.
Not so fast... There is research that indicates that people putting helmets on changes driver behaviour.
Cyclists who wear protective helmets are more likely to be struck by passing vehicles, new research suggests.
Drivers pass closer when overtaking cyclists wearing helmets than when overtaking bare-headed cyclists, increasing the risk of a collision, the research has found.
Dr Ian Walker, a traffic psychologist from the University of Bath, used a bicycle fitted with a computer and an ultrasonic distance sensor to record data from over 2,500 overtaking motorists in Salisbury and Bristol.
Dr Walker, who was struck by a bus and a truck in the course of the experiment, spent half the time wearing a cycle helmet and half the time bare-headed. He was wearing the helmet both times he was struck.
He found that drivers were as much as twice as likely to get particularly close to the bicycle when he was wearing the helmet.
Across the board, drivers passed an average of 8.5 cm (3 1/3 inches) closer with the helmet than without
The research has been accepted for publication in the journal Accident Analysis & Prevention.
If you want to keep your data on-site, unless your already have a lot of the infrastructure that you can leverage the path of least resistance is to use something like a NetApp Filer.
For backups it can create snapshots on a schedule (hourly/daily/weekly), then either replicate them to a second physical storage unit (hopefully at a different site) or present them to your backup solution.
Using the file services on the NetApp will also provide a solution to your "how do I present it to the storage consumers" question - iSCSI, CIFS with domain integration, NFS, Fibre Channel... You also get storage level de-duplication and compression, if that works for your data.
Of course you will pay what seems like a lot for it, but it does solve a lot of your problems in one unit. How much will it save in servers, backup capacity, a multi-drive tape library, daily visits to the server room to reload tapes and so on.
But if your data center isn't up to providing the level of availability you want then any hardware solution is going to be problematic - large storage systems do not like having the power pulled out from under them. Minimum is dual-redundant UPS power and fault tolerant cooling, or you will most likely have problems.
FORTRAN is the language of Powerful Computers. -- Steven Feiner