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Comment more ads?!?!?! WTF! (Score 1) 643

An ad-supported copy of Windows would wind up being a coaster on my desk, thrown directly into the trash, stamped with a "return to sender" label, or mircowaved to prevent infection of other computers. Is more advertizing really what we need? We already have enough issues with IM, email, telemarketers, and TV. I'm sure we could hack the advertizements out of the OS and other assorted MS Software through intercepts, but then again do we want to invest our efforst on something that is meant to "benefit" corporations instead of the individual. On the other hand, imagine all the crap system administrators would have to put up with at nonprofits who went the Windows routes. "Mary's tired of getting flower and edible underwear ads when writing word documents." Well maybe she should stop ordering that stuff from work. Profiling is bad, 'nuff said. Use *nix, BSD, or Mac OS and put the juggernaut out of its misery.

Journal Journal: NPR and PBS need your help

To quote

"In the next few days, the House of Representatives will vote on whether to slash funding for NPR and PBS. And tomorrow, before Congress votes, we'll present stacks and stacks of printed petitions and public comments to save public broadcasting. We'll be joined by members of Congress and the public TV and radio staff fighting for survival.

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Be sociable. Speak to the person next to you in the unemployment line tomorrow.
