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Submission + - Google using reCAPTCHA to decode street addresses (

smolloy writes: Apparently some users of reCAPTCHA have recently begun seeing photographs appear in their CAPTCHA puzzles — photos that look very much like zoomed in house numbers taken from Google Streetview.

It appears that Google has decided to put the reCAPTCHA system to help clean up Google streetview images, and "according to a Google spokesperson, the system isn’t limited to street addresses, but also involves street names and even traffic signs."

A large collection of these has appeared on the Blackhatworld website.

Comment Let me share this one (Score 1) 368

One woman in my work makes the colleagues to go and look to her feces and feel the bumps in her breast... And she has a rare condition that is called pre diabetes, and once she said that her hymen had closed due to a very serious condition that she had down there.

Comment ISS? (Score 1) 153

Am I confused? How an International Space Station becomes a national lab? Isn't it supposed to be International?

Does anyone can tell how much each country/space agency puts in (costs, investigation output, media coverage, etc.) the ISS?

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