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Journal gwyrdd benyw's Journal: Tivo Log: Whee!

I have lusted after the Tivo for quite a while, and always idly thought about getting one, but never thought it was a realistic goal because Tivos have never been available in Canada. Even if I bought one, it would just be a glorified VCR, as there is no guide data available for my channel lineup.

Then one day recently I realized that surely hacks must exist to make Tivos fully functional in Canada. A quick google found me the Tivo Canada Forum, full of yummy information to use! Woo hoo!

Very quickly, a plan materialized.
- I should buy a Tivo.
- I should hack it to use in Canada.

Step one seemed pretty straight-forward: ebay.
Step two was not so easy.

This journal will chronicle my attempts to get a Tivo to work fully.


- buy Tivo
- buy and install network adapter (ethernet card)
- perform guided setup on Tivo
- install/configure server emulation software on mac
- connect Tivo to network.

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Tivo Log: Whee!

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In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
