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Comment Re:sneakernet (Score 1) 78

> make sure that it is being used on the correct machines and that it actually is the customer calling. I once read (my guess would be reddit's Tales From Tech Support) about people sending off sealed hacks with a rubber chicken rigged to the rack doors, with express instructions to NEVER OPEN THE RACK, and call if something happened. Any time someone called regarding a rubber chicken, support could tell right away their warranty was void, since they could only know this if the did the one thing they were told not to do.

Comment Re:someone explain for the ignorant (Score 5, Informative) 449

Your next creditcard (in a couple years) will probably have a chip-and-pin system, which can not be easily cloned as the magstripes of today can. The analysts cited believe fraud will escalate soon, while most people still DON'T have a chip-and-pin card, since defrauding those people will be harder in a couple years.

Comment Re:FOG Project for Imaging (Score 1) 202

Disclaimer: I've managed a large machine deployment with FOG, and developed quite a workflow and even some patches based on that. IF (that is a big IF there) all your machines are equal;, and mostly if the Windows Install is the same (as in stock windows install), FOG would be a really good choice for that.. The easiest think would then be capturing one of the windows installs, reformatting it as you see fit, and then capturing that installation, and deploying it to all the stations.. with multicast deployment, cloning 29 machines takes as long as cloning a pair of them. Don't forget to TEST. After you capture your windows machine, redeploy it to the same hardware to double-check your process!! If it fails, capture another machine and keep redeploying on the same one until you're absolutely sure it works. You have even better changes if your windows install is still factory sealed (never been booted). I've had huge success with dell machines, where I could simply reinstall a machine with factory windows as needed (full AD join), and then back to linux in under half an hour. Also, with a FOG server, you can always add other boot options to the already configured PXE environment (LTSP or ThinStation, for instance).

Comment Re:I don't see what's to stop... (Score 1) 196

Have you not seen the video out of Iraq or Afghanistan of individual insurgents being hunted down by UAVs? Just replace the Hellfire with a patrol car and you've got the picture.

FOR NOW you replace the hellfires with patrol cars.. And when that becomes insuficient, you bring back the hellfires..

Comment Mandatory (Score 1) 390

Voting is mandatory here in Brazil.. If you don't vote, you at least have to go to a precinct and fill out a justification form. Not doing that means you can't get a passport, can't get a public job and a lot of other things.. Also, if you don't show up on election day, and want to rectify the situation later, you have to pay a fine.. It's a symbolic value (like R$ 2,00 or so.. about a dollar maybe).. BUT, you have to wait in line for the whole day, probably, just to do that.. THAT is the real penalty.. :(

Submission + - How do you prove software testing saves money?

cdman52 writes: I work at a small software development company. We have one app that is used by a few hundred clients and was initially developed by a few undergrads about 10 years ago. The app is collection of about 25 developers preferences and ideas. Testing wasn't an initial concern since it was created as an internal application, I guess. Anyway, the app is now large and used frequently. Part of my duties are to fix bugs users find, I'm on a team with a few other people and at least once every 2-3 months I see some bug I fixed come back, and I can only assume it's because we don't have a formal test suite. The owner doesn't want to invest time or money in getting one set up, but I'm sure that in the long run it would save time and money.
Can anyone offer suggestions for how to convince the owner that setting up a test suite is in his own best interest?

Twitter Suffers Web Interface Exploit 165

HaloZero writes "We're seeing lots of re-tweets on right now, all containing a fragment of JavaScript, which re-tweets itself when moused-over on the Twitter web interface. This could easily be muted into a more sinister attack, so it is recommended that you use a third party client application, or refrain from social media altogether until the problem is resolved."

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