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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
CAVEs are NOT that expensive  *Sunday March 13, 2005 @04:49PM  1
   attached to 3D Virtualization Edges Toward the Mainstream
Pay to download?  *Thursday March 10, 2005 @01:04PM  1
   attached to Wisconsin Governor Proposing Tax On Downloads
Re:Since it supports video out...  *Tuesday October 26, 2004 @02:54PM  1
More info  *Tuesday October 26, 2004 @02:36PM 19 4, Informative
   attached to New Apple iPod with Photo Capabilities
Re:Expressly denied by Google CEO  *Monday October 25, 2004 @05:22PM  0
   attached to Google-branded Firefox?
This study  *Thursday October 21, 2004 @10:00AM 1 1
   attached to Warm Offices Boost Productivity
Re:Public needs to change to make the change...  *Tuesday October 19, 2004 @10:12AM 1 3, Informative
   attached to Firefox Seeks Full Page Ad in New York Times
Re:This is fine and well, but...  *Friday October 15, 2004 @12:21PM  1
   attached to To Mars and Back in Ninety Days
External Harddrive  *Wednesday October 13, 2004 @08:10AM  2, Informative
   attached to Backups to CD-R?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
